Monday, June 28, 2010

The A & The of a Nobody

As long as nothing is questioned, everything becomes a part of something. A Culture is just the unchanged-practice changing. When no 'Saffron Brigade' could stop the wedding of one Hindu-Man with another Hindu-Man, we surrendered Nature to... Aculture.
If Something is the 'Ultimate', 'Greatest', and 'Best' in world, then... why it is so 'different' for the rest of individuals? Is it to prove that everybody differs with everyone?
Many years back, when I was studying 4th std in Baba School, I and my 2 classmates took an oath in the class to join Indian Army. That was day when our prime minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated and our classes suddenly got cancelled. As kids we wanted to take revenge for the Prime Minister's murder by joining the Army, without knowing anything about reason or consequences of that assassination. Today I am not in the Army and feel that my feelings of revenge as a 4th std kid was strange. If I was ignorant as a kid, now I am even more, as an adult.

"Change will be there, from our conscience till our absence".
If I ask myself why do I Change, then I question myself as who am I? A Lioness is identified as a Lioness from birth to death. Same is the integrity of a Male Buffalo. But I am now identified as a "Film Maker" which is just about me, but not... me.
Even my birth name, gender, status, religion, beliefs, morals or my activities cannot be me. They could only define the noun, verb, adjectives etc... about me.
Then I think about all the mirror image reflections' of this world passing through my consciousness to the sub-consciousness... must be the reason for all these developmental changes that made myself into this Somebody... But, then, Somebody is also not me???
May be I am just "A Nobody!"
So I now understood that anyone can easily become "A Somebody".
But impossible to become that "Nobody!"


  1. This confusion stays as long as we are holding 'the or a - body'.... Release it from 'the' self to realise 'a' freedom...

  2. sub-consciousness or our Inner conscience is the reson for Evolution from Nobody to Somebody till ..... ??? Everybody will know later!!!

  3. A Lioness is identified as a Lioness from birth to death....this is the most wanted interesting line in this BLOG....Great Chaitanya sir....Hats OFF....

  4. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.... CONSCIENCE, if taking a decision scares u then being yourself makes it easy for u. Can I contact you? ... I will be glad to know you as another NOBODY. Thanks again.

  5. Hmm.. The last sentence makes any one smile at the irony of the situation... :)
    N ur oath taking... its nt due 2 ur ignorance of things... its due 2 ur innocence...
    Wht a blissful state it is..
    When we dont let knowledge of things influence our decisions...
    Wish I could go back...

  6. very deep article. what made u to write this..:-) true the biggest problem at one time of history is not at all a problem at another time of history, the same man is thinking two different things at a time, thinking is very cheap to buy and easy to adopt, once the thinking changed man automatically changes without we never felt the change in us...

  7. A very thought provoking article.

    what we've come to identify a Lioness as a Lioness is our understanding of "Lioness" from what we've known about it from our Discovery channel or from the stories we've heard about it all our life since our childhood. In a way, could it be our limiting view of a life form that itself is limited(say, a lioness) in the sense of thinking it possesses as compared to a human being.

    Human being with his 'thinking mind' is more complex to be limited to a particular view like attributed to a "Lioness". Change indicates that you have "life". change stops when the "life" in a being stops.
    you and the environment that surrounds you makes you into thinking that you've become somebody through the developmental changes that happened to you. It sounded from your article that as If somebody and nobody are two mutually exclusive entities., but I guess the idea lies into making yourself believe that you are somebody/a form who wants to make a better world through the endless energy for which now you've become an instrument through which to let it into the world ( say through your films ) but If this somebody is taken seriously and clouds your thinking and makes the nobody fade from this encompassing life entity(a whole) that has somebody and nobody and a millions other forms to it then you'll run the risk of missing out on several other forms in addition to this somebody...
    ... so as we sit at our dinner tables at the end of a day, it's better to think ourselves of as a nobody who wants to be a new somebody tomorrow at the dawn of the day..only to become a nobody again by the dusk. keeps life simple that way and refreshes us to try our chances at being a million different forms that life is...
